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Full Stack

WordPress Development

Unlock your WordPress Development skills with WordPress Development course of CodemanBD. Learn and master the latest tools and technologies to build stunning websites. Expert instructors of CodemanBD guide students so that they can be successful in Fiverr and Upwork marketplaces. Besides, Fiverr crash and Upwork crash programs are included in this course for making all the students capable to complete freelance projects. Enroll now to take your career to the next level with the best freelancing institute in Bangladesh.

What you will learn from this WordPress Development course?

WordPress Development

কোর্স টি করার জন্য কি কি লাগবে ?

কি থাকছে এই কোর্সে?

একজন ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ডেভেলপারের কাজের ক্ষেত্র ও চাহিদা দিন দিন বাড়ছে। বিশ্বের ছোটো-বড় অধিকাংশ কোম্পানিরই নিজেদের একটি ওয়েবসাইট থাকে। এই ওয়েবসাইটগুলো বানানোর জন্য প্রয়োজন হয় একজন ফুল স্ট্যাক ওয়েব ডেভেলপার। এছাড়াও অনেক এজেন্সী এর প্রতিনিয়ত ওয়েবসাইট ডেভেলপমেন্ট এর জন্য একজন ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ডেভেলপারের প্রয়োজন হয়।
দিন দিন ওয়েব ডেভেলপারদের চাহিদা বেড়েই চলেছে। বিশেষ করে ফ্রিল্যান্স মার্কেটপ্লেসগুলোতে অনেক বেশী পারিশ্রমিকে তাদের জবে হায়ার করছেন কোম্পানিগুলো। এছাড়াও একজন ফুল স্ট্যাক ওয়েব ডেভেলপারের রিমোট জব এর ক্ষেত্রে প্রচুর চাহিদা রয়েছে। এছাড়াও দেশের জব সেক্টর ও একজন ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ডেভেলপারের চাহিদা অনন্য।

ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ডেভেলপমেন্ট কোর্সটি ওয়েব এর একটি কমপ্লিট কোর্স। একটি ওয়েবসাইটের ডিজাইন থেকে শুরু করে এর ডাটাবেজ ম্যানেজমেন্ট, রেসপন্সিভ করা, সব কিছুই শেখানো হয় এই কোর্স। ফ্রন্ট এন্ড অংশে শেখানো হয় এইচটিএমএল, সিএসএস, বুটস্ট্র্যাপ, জাভা স্ক্রিপ্ট, জেকুয়েরি, AJAX, Tailwind css ব্যাক এন্ড অংশে থাকবে পিএইচপি, ওওপি এবং মাইএসকিউএল ডাটাবেস। এছাড়াও থাকছে ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস কাস্টমাইজেশন।

WordPress Development

৳ 12,000

Course Features

WordPress Development Course Module

HTML Modules

1. What is HTML?

2. Create your First HTML File

3. HTML Tags and Common Elements

4. HTML Attributes

5. Tables

6. HTML Document Structure

7. Head Element

8. Body Element

9. Absolute/Relative File Paths

10. Links and Buttons

11. List Elements

12. Block quote

13. Inline Elements

14. Images

15. Audio Files

16. Video Files

17. Vector Graphics & Illustrations

1. Headings and Paragraphs

2. Lists and Blocks

3. Bold & Italic

4. HTML Charsets, Entities and Symbols

5. Semantic Structural Elements

6. Navigation

7. Non-semantic Elements (“div” and “span”)

8. HTML Comments

9. The “Section” Element

10. HTML Forms

11. Different Types of Inputs

12. Choosing Between a set of options

13. Creating and Previewing Our First Page/ Layout Elements

14. Convert our Content into HTML Markup

15. Code Formatting

16. Marking up our Homepage

17. Identify Remaining Content Types as HTML Elements

18. Link Separate Pages Together

19. Troubleshooting

20. Uploading Content to a Web Server


1. Intro

2. Installation

3. sass vs scss extension

4. Live Sass Compiler for VS Code

5. Sass Variables

6. Style rules

7. Sass Nesting

8. Functions

9. Operators


11. Sass String

12. Sass @import

13. Sass @mixin

14. Sass @extend


1. Start Working With JS

2. How to run JS in vs code editor

3. JS Essential

4. Variable

5. Data types

6. Array

7. Function

8. Operator

9. If else

10. Loops

11. Selector

12. Event

13. DOM Manipulation

14. Sell Commission Counter Project   


jQuery Module

1. jQuery Intro

2. Installation

3. Syntax

4. Selector

5. Event

6. Effect

7. jQuery chaining

8. Show Hide

9. Animate

10. Managing CSS

11. DOM Manipulation

All About WordPress

  1. Full WordPress Website Using Elementor (Without Pro)
  2. PSD to WordPress Using Elementor Pro
  3. WordPress Premium Theme Customization
  4. PHP for WordPress Theme Development: 

a. Introduction to PHP
b. Setting Up c. Environment
d. Hello World with PHP
e. PHP Variable
f. PHP Data Types
g. Echo
h. Print, Concat, Difference Between Print and Echo
i. Arrays, Functions, Operators
j. If Else
k. Switch Statements
l.For Loop
m. While Loop
n. Foreach Loop
o. Math Functions
p. String Functions Create Basic Theme
q. Getting Started with Header and Footer
r. Connecting CSS to Our theme
s. Assets Bootstrapping
t. Working with Menu
u. Post Meta
v. Post Thumbnails
w. Post Tags
x. Post Navigation
y. Single Post
z. Template Parts, Sidebar, Page and Page Template

PHP Module

1. Introduction:

i. Why use PHP and MySQL?
ii. The PHP programming environment
iii. Overview of SQL

2. Client and server communication

3. Environment setup

i. Decisions about a testing environment
iii. Installing Apache, PHP, MySQL on your computer
iv. Testing on a remote server
v. Deciding on development tools
vi. Using phpmyadmin

4. PHP syntax.

5. Outputs (echo, print, var_dump ..etc)

6. Variables

7. Data types

8. Constants


10. Uses of Quotes (Single, Double)

i. Arithmetic operators
ii. Logical operators
iii. Comparisons
iv. Operator precedence

12. Mathematical functions

13. Control Statements (if..else, elseif, switch, ternary, null safe)

i. Electric bill calculation (For first 50 units – 3.50 tk/unit For next 100 units – 4.00
tk/unit For next 100 units – 5.20 tk/unit For units above 250 – 6.50 tk/unit)
ii. A PHP calculator using switch case (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
iii. Check if a person is eligible to vote by age
iv. Check if a person is eligible for marriage in BD by gender.
v. Check if number is positive or negetive
vi. Check if number is odd or even vii. Check if data is integer or string
vii. and many mores

14. Loops (for, foreach, while, do, do while)

15. Arrays

16. Array functions

i. array()
ii. is_array()
iii. in_array()
iv. array_merge()
v. array_keys()
vi. array_key_exists()
vii. array_shift()
viii. array_unshift()
ix. array_push()
x. array_pop()
xi. array_values()
xii. array_map()
xiii. array_unique()
xiv. array_slice()
xv. array_diff()
xvi. array_search()

17. Array problem and solution

i. Find maximum number from an array

ii. Find 2nd max number from an array
iii. Sort array from min to max
iv. Calculate average number of an array
v. Merging 2 different types of array together
vi. Search data from an array
vii. Show array data in lowercase and uppercase
viii. Get unique values
ix. Remove duplicate values
x. Check if email address is unique
xi. Check unique username
xii. Merge 2 comma separated lists with unique value only
xiii. Difference between 2 multi-dimensional arrays
xiv. Check if all values are string or not
xv. Union of 2 arrays
xvi. Filter out array data with some specific keys
xvii.Filter a multi-dimensional array.
xviii. Remove all white spaces from an array
xix. Combine 2 array and use one array data as keys and others as values
xx. Convert string to array
xxi. and many more problem and solutions.

18. Random password generator (contains uppercase, lowercase, numeric and other)

19. Numbers

i. Making calculations
ii. Using built-in numeric functions
iii. Incrementing and decrementing

20. Strings

i. Concatenating strings
ii. Trimming strings
iii. Removing slashes and other harmful characters
iv. String functions

21. Functions (user define, built-in)

22. Regular expression (RegEx)

23. Superglobals ($GLOBALS, $_SERVER, $_REQUEST, $_POST, $_GET, $_FILES, $_ENV,

24. Form Handling

25. Form validation

26. Form required

27. Form URL/E-mail

28. File uploading

29. File validation

30. File inclusion (include, include_once, require, require_once)

31. Sending mail

32. Mail verification

33. Exception handling (try, catch, throw, finally)

34. Error Handling

35. Bugs, Debugging

36. Date, Time

37. Filters

38. JSON (encode, decode)

39. php File system

i. basename()
ii. dirname()
iii. copy()
iv. file()
v. file_exists()
vi. file_get_contents()
vii. file_put_contents()
viii. filesize()
ix. filetype()
x. is_dir()
xi. is_file()
xii. link()
xiii. unlink()
xiv. mkdir()
xv. rmdir()
xvi. move_uploaded_file()

40. PHP core setting (PHP.ini)

41. Application structure guideline

42. Application skeleton

43. Request and response cycle

44. Security

45. Resources

PHP for WordPress Development 

  1. Introduction to Template Hierarchy
  2. Single Post
  3. Single Page
  4. Front Page
  5. 404 Page
  6. Image Sizes
  7. Custom Image Size
  8. Understanding Crop
  9. Position
  1. Introduction
  2. Sorting
  3. Compare
  4. Taxonomy
  5. Meta
  1. Introduction to Custom
  2. Post Type
  3. Importance of Custom
  4. Post Type
  5. Custom Post Type with
  6. CPT UI
  7. Usage of CPT UI
  1. Custom Fields -ACF Pro
  2. Dynamic Buttons with ACF Pro
  3. ACF Pro Repeater

WordPress Theme Development

  1. Codestar Framework
  2. Basic theme Development 
  3. Premium Theme Development 
  1. Elementor Addon Development
  1. Kirki Framework
  2. Basic e-Commerce Theme development

Sql Database

1. Database fundamentals:

i. Structuring a database
ii. Using tables
iii. Table relationships
iv. Common data types

2. Creating a database:

i. Using PHPmyAdmin
ii. Adding a table
iii. Populating a table with types and data
iv. Browsing a table

3. Getting PHP to connect to MySQL:

i. Using the mysql_connect() function
ii. Using the mysql_select_db() function
iii. Testing a connection
iv. Writing a sample error trap

4. Querying MySQL using PHP:

i. Writing SQL queries
ii. Using Select, Insert, Update and Delete
iii. Querying MySQL and returning results
iv. Interpreting the returned array

5. Building a Web Application:

i. Add entries
ii. Modify entries
iii. List entries
iv. Filter entries

6. Relation Database

7. Security features (Validating entries)

Object-Oriented PHP – Constructs

1. The class construct

2. Class constants, properties and methods

3. Constructor

4. Destructor

5. Access Modifiers:

A. public
B. Protected
C. private

6. Scope Resolution Operator (::)

7. Object instances

8. Member visibility

9. Static properties and methods




13.Magic methods

14.Class and method abstraction

15.Object interface

16.Type hinting

17.Final Keyword

18.Object Cloning

19.Object Cloning

20.Comparing Objects

21.Late Static Bindings

22.Objects and references

23.Object Serialization



26.Object cloning and comparison

27.Functions that work with classes


29.Database CRUD


1. What is AJAX?

2. How AJAX Works

3. AJAX PHP Example

4. AJAX Database Example

5. AJAX Live Search

6. Auto Complete Search

7. PHP – Ajax RSS Feed Example

8. AJAX Poll

9. Ajax CRUD [CReate Update Delete] with PHP and MySQL database

10. Ajax CRUD [CReate Update Delete] with OOP PHP and MySQL database

CSS Modules

1. CSS – Introduction

2. CSS – How to use CSS?

3. Basic Syntax and Selectors

4. Advanced Syntax and Selectors

5. CSS Hierarchy

6. Colors, Background and Opacity

7. Advanced CSS – Media Queries

8. CSS – Formatting and Styling Text

9. CSS – Adding Borders

10. CSS – Margin and Padding

11. CSS – Styling Lists

12. CSS – Styling Links

13. CSS – Styling Buttons

14. CSS – Fonts and Adding Icons

15. CSS – Working with Display Values

16. CSS – Display value: Inline-Block

17. CSS – Positioning HTML Elements Part-1

18. CSS – Positioning HTML Elements Part-2

19. CSS – Handling Content Overflow

20. CSS – Floating HTML Elements

21. CSS – Box Model

22. CSS – Box Sizing

23. CSS – Adding Shadows

24. CSS – Combinators

25. CSS – Pseudo Classes

26. CSS – Pseudo Elements

27. CSS – Adding Backgrounds

28. CSS – Gradients

29. CSS – Handling Text Overflow

30. CSS – Project-1

31. CSS – Project-2

32. CSS – Project-3

33. CSS – Project-4

34. CSS – Project-5

35. CSS – Introduction to Responsive Web Design

36. CSS – Viewport

37. CSS – Dynamic Size

38. CSS – Introduction to Media Queries

39. CSS – Responsive Webpage Design using Media Queries

40. Introduction

41. Flex Container & Flex Items

42. Immediate Child Only

43. Flexbox Axes

44. Flexbox Module

45. Parent Properties

46. Display

47. block vs inline

48. flex-direction

49. flex-wrap

50. flex-flow

51. justify-content [row]

52. justify-content [column]

53. space-around vs space-evenly

54. align-items [row]

55. baseline

56. align-items [column]

57. align-content

58. Child Properties

59. order

60. flex-grow

61. flex-grow calculation

62. flex-shrink

63. flex-shrink calculation

64. flex-basis

65. flex-basis vs widths

66. flex

67. align-self

68. Flexbox Properties

69. Aligning with Auto Margins

70. Introduction to Grid Layout

71. Grid Container

72. Explicit Grid

73. Minimum and Maximum Grid Track Sizes

74. Repeating Grid Track 75. Grid Gaps (Gutters)

76. Positioning Items by Grid Line Numbers

77. Spanning Items Across Rows and Columns

78. Naming Grid Lines

79. Positioning Items by Line Names

80. Naming and Positioning Items by Lines with the Same Name

81. Naming and Positioning Items by Grid Areas

82. Implicit Grid

83. Implicitly Named Grid Areas

84. Implicitly Named Grid Lines

85. Layering Grid Items

86. Aligning Grid Items (Box Alignment)

87. Aligning Grid Tracks

88. CSS – Transform Property

89. CSS – Align Elements using Transform Property

90. CSS – Transition Property

91. CSS – Animation Property

92. CSS – Flying Rocket Animation using Animation Property

Bootstrap 5

1. Introduction of Bootstrap

2. Installation & Environment Setup

3. Bootstrap Class for layout

4. Bootstrap 5 Breakpoints

5. Default z-index for the elements

6. Headings & Typography

7. Text Alignment & Display

8. Floats & Fixed Positions

9. Colors & Background

10. Margin & Padding

11. Border and sizing

12. Button & Button Group

13. Navbar & Navs

14. Badges & List Groups

15. Breadcrumbs

16. Progress bar

17. Tables and pagination

18. Working with Cards

19. Media Object

20. Jumbotron

21. Spinners and Toasts

22. Form Controls

23. Checkboxes/Form Checks

24. Custom Inputs

25. Input Groups and Icons

26. Inline Forms

27. Magic of Flexbox

28. Super Useful Grid System

29. Alerts

30. Dropdowns

31. Carousel Slider

32. Collapse and accordion

33. Tooltips

34. Popovers

35. Modals

36. ScrollSpy and smooth scrolling

Website Section Overview

1. Hero

2. Services

3. Content

4. Testimonial

5. Blog box

6. Team member

7. Pricing

8. Google maps

9. Contact forms

10. Footer

11. Course Outline

12. Review

13. Comment

14. Menu(top, left, right)

15. Footer Navigation For Mobile

16. Call to action

17. Blog page

18. Login/Register

19. Pre-loader

20. Content Loading Animation

21. Contact

22. FAQ

Git & Github

1. Git & Github Intro

2. What is version control system & why we need this?

3. Github (github.com) – Basic Usage:

a. Create a Professional Github Profile
b. Details about Github Repository
c. Github Codespaces
d. Github Organizations
e. Projects
f. Stars & Gists
g. Github Settings:

i. Profile
ii. Account
iii. Appearance
iv. Account Security
v. Emails
vi. SSH & GPG Keys
vii. Repositories
viii. Package ix. Organizations
x. Developer Settings

h. Create new Repositories

4. Difference between Git & Github

5. Git Environment Setup & Configuration

6. Basic Commands for Working on Projects:

a. Create files
b. Delete Files
c. Update or Rename Files
d. Open projects in Code Editor using Command Line

7. Creating & Setup in Projects:

a. Git initialization (git init)
b. Git Clone (Clone projects from Github Repositories)

8. Important Commands:

a. Check File Status
b. Add all files to Git
c. Commit Changes
d. Stage to Temporary Memory
e. Remove File
f. File rename and Move to another Directory
g. Back to Previous Commit

9. Git Branching & Merging:

a. Check Branch
b. Create Branch
c. Delete Branch
d. Branch Switching
e. Branch Merge
f. Stash

10. Sharing & Updating Projects:

a. Pull any Branches from Github
b. Push any Branches from Github
c. Fetching & Remote

11. Other Important Commands:

a. Git Help Command
b. Git GUI for your Environment
c. Major Parts or Command Line Interfaces
d. Gitignore 

12. Add Local Project to Github Repositories:

a. Add remote repository URL to local project directory
b. Upload All Project Files Using Command Line
c. See all changes from Remote Repository
d. Compare Code
e. Create Projects
f. Github Canban Board to track full project roadmap
g. Create Issues
h. Solve & Update Issue Status
i. Add Time for Each Projects/Issues
j. Details about Pull Request:

i. Compare two branches
ii. Attach two separate branch to one another

k. Add project contributors
l. Github Pages:

i. Host your HTML files to github pages & Generate links

m. Release Projects by Version
n. Package Publish
o. Repository Settings
p. Git Fork to Other Developer’s Projects
q. Contribute to Other Developer’s Projects
r. Create Organizations
s. Manage Teams With Github

And, Have fun with a lot of extra functionalities with git & github….

Admin Panel

1. User management

2. Category (CUD)

3. Product (CUD)

4. Homepage management

5. Settings

6. Order management

Ecommerce Project

1. Authentication (Login, Registration)

2. Category (R)

3. Product (R)

4. Product (Filtering)

5. Image Manipulation (Single thumbnail)

6. Add to cart (Cookies)

7. Checkout

8. Payment (Stripe, PayPal, SSL Commerce)

9. Order tracking


We will cover all the basic and advanced topics of HTML5. 


Learn the Best & Modern approach to Responsive website design using flexbox and grid. you will learn CSS animations as well to built beautiful websites


Everything you need to be a Php Expert. Includes OOP concepts, CRUD operation and much more! 


Javascript is the Heart of Web Development. You will learn, ajax, web APIs, and many more including debugging, Object-oriented approach, and DOM manipulation to build dynamic web apps and much more.


All You need to know to be a Professional WordPress Developer!


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized programming language that is used to manage relational databases and perform various operations on the data in them.


Learn Git & Github best practices

Boostrap 5

Build fast, modern & responsive website using Bootstrap 5. 

Course Fee:

12,000 TK